The costs you need to consider for growing your own plants

There are many reasons to take the cultivation of your favourite plants into your own hands. Cannabis is still an illegal drug under the Narcotics Act in Germany, but this will change with the announced legalisation. Not only consumption and possession, but also cultivation will become legal in Germany. Those who then want to take […]
Komplettsets für den Indoor Grow: Lohnt sich der Kauf 2023?

Wenn du Indoor growen willst, hast du tausend Fragen im Kopf, besonders als Anfänger. Welche Lampe ist die beste? Wie groß muss mein Growzelt sein? Passen die einzelnen Komponenten überhaupt zusammen? Indoor growen ist ein komplexes Thema, bei dem viele Parameter berücksichtigt werden müssen. Hier empfiehlt es sich, einen Blick auf Komplettsets zu werfen. Diese […]
This is how Germany plans the legalisation of Cannabis!
Last update: 17 February 2023 It’s crazy. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, there are around 74,000 alcohol-related deaths in Germany every year. Not a single one, however, due to the consumption of cannabis. Alcohol is legal and was even listed as a basic foodstuff in Bavaria. Cannabis is considered an illegal drug and […]
Wie finde ich das beste Growlight in 2023?

Tja, jetzt stehst du da. Du hast dich über die verschiedenen Growlights informiert und auch die Vorteile von LEDs gegenüber herkömmlichen Leuchtmitteln verstanden. Nun bist du auf der Suche nach dem besten Growlight für deine eigenen Bedürfnisse. Sicherlich bist du ein wenig überfordert mit dem Angebot, das der Markt zu bieten hat. Kein Problem, dafür […]
6 reasons why LED growlights are better compared to other growlights!

You want to grow successfully indoor and are now thinking about which sodium vapour lamp is the right one? Or you swear by metal halide lamps and are already comparing the best models with each other. Then we have to disappoint you. The old guard of artificial light sources has served its time. Although you […]
The Truth About Aeroponics vs. Plant Pots: Which is the Best for Your Garden?
Plant pot vs aeroponics Plant pot or aeroponics – this article will help you make a better decision on a particular growing system. We will give an outlook on what to look for in the systems, where the differences are and where the advantages and disadvantages are. At the very bottom, you will find an […]
Top 9 LED grow light features to consider in 2023
LED grow lights are a great source of influencing plants or flowering growth where direct sunlight is either insufficient or unavailable for plants due to extreme weather. LED grow lamps are a cost-effective and energy-efficient method to grow plants at home with ease. They aid in the photosynthesis process of plants just like the way […]
Top Advantages of Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights
Full spectrum LED Grow lights mimic natural sunlight and significantly aid in plant growth and nourishment, especially in the absence of actual solar light. These grow bulbs yield better harvests by contributing the right amount of light intensity to plants that they need for photosynthesis. Do you want to know more about full-spectrum sun lamps […]